Budget! Budget! Budget!

To start off, I just have to point out the fact that the title of this blog greatly reminds me of Matthew McConaughey's famous phrase "Alright! Alright! Alright!", and you know what, I am okay with that. It might have been purposeful, it might have not. You'll never know! #unashamed

Now moving on to the real subject. (Sorry in advance; it's not Matthew McConaughey.)

The word budget isn't very pleasing to the ear. Now granted, there are a lot of people who find great joy in creating a budget and having their bank account planned down to the cent. What I have to say to you is... #Winning! Trust me, I wish I was this way. I can't even begin to tell you how much I need to stop online shopping and spending my money on stupid things, but I just can't. Even with or without this problem Brides should ALWAYS create a budget!

Let me say it again... ALWAYS CREATE A BUDGET!

Wedding Budgets have one main purpose - to help you not spend all your money, plus an arm and a leg. You, your parents, and your fiance will forever be grateful for the two or three pieces of paper with all the numbers on it that tells you when to stop spending. Even though I am one of those girls who isn't the greatest at budgeting her own life, you can trust me when I say that if there is only one thing you do right while planning your own wedding, it will be making a budget. DO IT!! (or have someone do it for you - that's always fun)

Now that I'm off my soapbox, let me tell you some easy tips to remember when creating a budget.

1. Does your budget determines your guest count, or does your guest count determine your budget?

- This one is completely up to your discretion.

- If you have a small budget, but you just have to have all 500 of your family and friends, go ahead and be okay with the fact that some details just might not happen. But also rest in the fact that you will have all the people you love most there to celebrate with you. (I'm right there with you on this one.)

- If you choose to have a good amount of people and plan to have lunch or dinner served, remember that you might spend a pretty penny on food and beverage.

2. Budget for more items than what you might actually buy.

- I believe that it is better to plan for a little over what you expect, so that you not only feel better when you end up below budget, but you also have a handle on what items might actually cost.

- No one likes to be surprised when it comes to spending money.

3. Don't forget about friendly gifts!

- It can be easy to forget that you have to buy hostess, bridesmaid, ring bearer, and flower girl gifts, so be sure to include those and know there are always sweet items that can fit into any budget.

4. Not everything is paid for by the bride.

- Be encouraged that there are some things that the groom typically pays for, and I'm not talking about the rehearsal dinner.

- It is a wedding tradition that the groom pays for the Bride's bouquet; Groomsmen, Usher, Grandfather's, Father's and Ring Bearer's boutonnieres; Officiant boutonniere; Mother's flowers; and Grandmother's flowers.

- Now, not all brides and grooms choose to abide by this tradition, but it can be helpful in some financial circumstances.

5. It's all about your special day and being with your love!

- No matter how big or small your budget is, the important thing to remember is that you are getting married and starting your life with your forever love.

I hope you find these tips helpful as you start or continue your planning adventure. Remember, Budget's are a Brides Best Friend! Happy Calculating!

See below for links to helpful budgeting tools online. :)

The Budget Savvy Bride

Budget Calculator

Paper Diva's Budget

(These sites are not an advertisement and I am not being paid to promote)

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